What Is Prophylactic Mastectomy and Why Is Reconstruction Important?

Prophylactic mastectomy, also known as preventive mastectomy, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the risk of breast cancer in individuals who are at a higher risk due to genetic factors, family history, or other significant risk factors. This procedure involves the removal of one or both breasts before cancer develops, offering peace of mind to those concerned about their breast cancer risk. Dr. Anke Ott Young, Dr. Mary Pronovost, and Dr. Christine Hodyl at Constructive Plastic Surgery in Garden City, NY, can explain what prophylactic mastectomy is and why reconstruction is important. 

Understanding Prophylactic Mastectomy 

Prophylactic mastectomy is generally recommended for women who have a significantly increased risk of breast cancer, particularly those with mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. These mutations can dramatically elevate the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers. The procedure can be classified into two types: 

  • Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy: This involves the removal of both breasts and is often recommended for women with a very high risk of developing breast cancer. 
  • Unilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy: This involves the removal of one breast, typically for individuals who have a higher risk of one breast due to genetic factors or a family history of breast cancer. 

Those with a family history of breast cancer or known genetic mutations may opt for this preventive measure to lower their risk. For some, the psychological burden of living with the fear of developing breast cancer can be overwhelming. Prophylactic mastectomy from your plastic surgeon in Garden City, NY, can provide a sense of control over their health. 

For many women, breasts are a significant aspect of their femininity and body image. Reconstruction can help restore a natural appearance, boosting self-esteem and confidence. The psychological impact of a mastectomy can be profound. Reconstruction can play a crucial role in helping individuals cope with the emotional consequences of the surgery, allowing for a smoother transition post-surgery. 

Reconstruction can occur either immediately following the mastectomy or at a later date, depending on the individual’s preference and medical considerations. Immediate reconstruction often leads to better aesthetic outcomes and can help reduce the psychological impact of the surgery. 

Contact Our Plastic Surgeon Today 

Make sure you understand prophylactic mastectomy and your options after it’s done. Contact Dr. Anke Ott Young, Dr. Mary Pronovost, and Dr. Christine Hodyl at Constructive Plastic Surgery in Garden City, NY, to learn more about prophylactic mastectomy. Call (516) 742-3404 to schedule your appointment today.

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